For Slava



Framed text 30cm/20cm, inscription on the wall a wallpaper and photo of Slava Klavora.

The work is based on the materials from the Museum of National Liberation Maribor, folder number 1–7, Slava Klavora. The work is about haunting personal and collective history and draws on archive material related to Slava Klavora, a female member of the Slovenian underground who was tortured and killed by the German occupiers in Maribor in early 1941. After the war, she was presented as a national hero. Among the texts copied from the archive material – in a gesture of re-enactment – there is an inscription on the wall. The very words that were engraved by the female resistance fighter in her cell:


“Say nothing. Know nothing. Know Nobody.”

Jeu de Paume, Paris, France, 2014 (curated by Nataša Petrešin-Bachelez )

Photo of Slava Klavora, Museum Of National Liberation Maribor

Photo of the installation by Jeu de Paume